zaterdag 13 februari 2010

Look at the hand

We've reached a new fase in your sensori-motor development; you found out that your hands are moveable bodyparts, that you can control. So you move your hand towards your face and then move it away while following it with your eyes. To you it's a major discovery, to have your own limbs as toys! The picture above shows you watching your right-hand move at your own command.

Everything seems to change fast now. Today you no longer sleep under a blanket, but in a sleepingbag. We decided to do so because of the numerous times we came to your bed and found you on top of the blanket, or even at the head of the bed.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Goh, het is voor mij virtuele cursus Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Flyn laat ons precies zien welke ontwikkelingen zo'n kleintje doormaakt.
    Ik zit hier weer helemaal te kwijlen achter mijn laptopje...
