woensdag 29 september 2010

donderdag 23 september 2010

Sick Baby

You've been having a cold since weeks, and yesterday I detected some spots on your chest and belly. Since you also had a slight fever, daddy took you to our GP. He diagnosed Fifth Disease (Dutch readers: 'vijfde ziekte'= de vijfde ziekte is een milde vlekjesziekte die veroorzaakt wordt door het Parvo B19-virus). You're spots got worse overnight, now you've got red patches under your eyes, and some spots on your face. It all started out with these little spots:

Though you feel drowsy, you still have fun during the day, it takes a little more effort to put a smile on your face, but it's there!

donderdag 9 september 2010

Me and my grandpa

Flyn says: Today is my grandpa's sixty-something birtday. Here's me and him crawling on the floor!

woensdag 1 september 2010