vrijdag 21 mei 2010


Sweet boy of mine, these days it's so much joy to look at you play. You roll on your side, you roll on your tummy, and look up with your big blue eyes, as if to say: look what I can do! You find it a little harder - or impossible - to roll back, so then you start calling me for help. In the tummytub you immediately sink, because you put your feet up and try to grab them. You are adorably affectionate, touching our faces, 'talking' to us, and being content just to be in our closeness. Both daddy and I cannot stop our ritual to lay you between us in the bed at seven at night, and cuddle and sing you to sleep before you go to your own bed. We go as far as to sing 'Twinkle twinkle little star' in two voices...(need I say more?)

maandag 17 mei 2010

Doesn't this face

spell Mischief all over?

Our sweet cuddly baby is turning into an imaginative little rascal! Ever since your sturdy body can move places, we have to watch you, even in the playpen. Your ever exploring hands grab everything, as far as the rug you're laying on. In the morning we find you upside down in your bed. Surely we put you there in the right position, but apparently you take a moonwalk each night :-) Watching you makes us laugh in amazement, listening to your screams of joy and strain is hilarious.

Whatever happened to the newborn with the feeble body, who got tired just from drinking a half filled bottle, and fell asleep with his soft breaths tickling my neck? He's inthere, I still see him, as I always will, no matter how big and strong and adventurous you get!

woensdag 12 mei 2010

After a bath

I dry up quite nicely ...

zondag 9 mei 2010

Mother's Day

No, they didn't bring me breakfast in bed today, but nevertheless I love them to bits. My big boy, who will be sweet sixteen in 10 days time, and my little one, who just turned four months.