Today I can't seem to understand you as I use to. First of all the feeding times are all messed up, since you came early each time yesterday. That's why we had to feed you twice last night (although technically half past five might be considered the morning). Today's schedule became a mess. I fed you at nine, twelve and three, which makes it one feed to many (the half past five one should have been at seven). But halfway through the morning I didn't care about that anymore, 'cause you were awake and not happy. To pass time I layed you on the bed and took some pictures of you. Then I rubbed your little legs and feet with bodylotion.
Nothing seemed to work. Everytime I layed you in your bed, you cried. When I picked you up en held you, you stopped crying and were wide awake. Very unusual right after feeds. After your three o'clock bottle I decided that enough was enough. I picked you up once to calm you down and rock you almost asleep. Then I layed you down. I heard you protest somewhat, but since I know that keeping you from sleep would be the worst thing after all these waking hours, I went downstairs and waited for you to calm down. Which you did. You have been asleep for almost an hour now, and I hope you keep that up for at least another one.
soms verandert het eetpatroon zo maar. Of ze hebben een OFF-day, of ze gooien zonder overleg alles overhoop naar een ritme dat hen beter past. Even afwachten dus. Luisteren naar jouw gevoel en zijn reacties.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDikke knuffel
Bri xx