We started the new year as a brandnew family; just before midnight on January 1st, at 23.45, you were born. Tomorrow you'll be three weeks old, and boy, did you change a lot in this short time!
During these three weeks:
* your hair got lighter (it's getting more "gold")
* your eyes went from dark blue to blue-grey
* you're eyes don't wonder around seeing nothing, they focus on people and things - and light!
* you immediately start to drink as soon as the bottle touches your lips (no longer searching for the nipple)
* you drink lots (7 times apr. 100 cc of formula) and don't stop at 60 cc anymore
* you incorporate "playtime" in your day, which usually means mummy taking pictures of you

I could say that it's like you've always been here, but that wouldn't be true. I remember too well what it felt like to live without a baby schedule (which isn't a schedule at all!), and I get confused when I wake up, until I realise it's your voice that's calling me. So me, daddy, and your big bro are still in the process of getting used to a newborn in the house, while you seem to have settled perfectly - especially in our big grown-up-bed. As we noticed, these past weeks have gone by quickly, so it will only be a matter of time until we are an ordinary family of four, living day-to-day life as usual!