woensdag 25 augustus 2010

Grabbing mummy's nose

(and yes, it bled afterwards, since you need a manicure)

zaterdag 14 augustus 2010

Teaching Elvis

A vital part of every child's education should be Elvis Presley. I'm sure it 'll do my baby good to listen to Elvis, to develop a differentiated taste in music. Furthermore, Elvis is part of history. I'm a little biased, because I used to adore Elvis when I was younger (although he died when I was 11 years old). So today, when I zapped and stumbled upon an Elvis concert, I thought: now is as good a time as any to introduce you to Elvis. I sat you between my legs on the floor, which was a funny sight, wearing my chequered pj's. And see, babyboy, that's the best thing of all: Elvis wouldn't mind.

dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

zondag 1 augustus 2010

Seven months

Today is your seven-month-birthday. Also today we discovered that you get bored by your usual routine. You need more challenges, bodywise and mindwise. So we let you sit up more, in the corner of a grown-up chair. There you sit like your visiting, sharing small talk and inspecting all around you. We let you sit in your babychair too, with some new playstuff. Eating in the babychair is still a little hard; you bend forward to bite from your spoon, and subsequently drop the food from your mouth. You are used to being fed in your bouncer, leaning a little backwards.
You have been wearing your pressure helmet some time now, last week we went to have it adjusted, so now you wear it for longer hours at a time. You don't mind, luckily.
As we enter Month 8, we see so many changes in you that it's eminent you are getting bigger and wiser. Your small little world is changing into a big big world, were new experiences wait around every corner.