woensdag 28 juli 2010
zaterdag 24 juli 2010

No these are NOT your clothes. And, sorry to say, I didn't make this myself (though I could and maybe will someday). I found this variation on the flagline in a cute shop in Alkmaar. Couldn't resist it. It brightens up your room even more. And each time I pick you up to put you to bed, you look at the little clothes with sheer curiosity.

vrijdag 23 juli 2010
The Importance of Family

Sweet babyboy, let me tell you something about family. You are born into them, carry their genes, and lots of their traits and character. And you get along with them - like a house on fire, or, sometimes, against all common sense. In the past days we lost your greatgrandmother and her oldest son (who's my uncle). Your greatgrandmother got to meet you just once, but you did leave a mark in her memory. We will treasure our memories of her, so we can tell you one day, that for six+ months of your life you had a greatgrandmother.
Family, even the ones you didn't know, leave a legacy. One for you to follow, or one for you to build onto. Everyday you are becoming more of YOU, but never forget: family are for always. In your life and in your heart.
maandag 19 juli 2010
zondag 18 juli 2010
On the beach

Yes, that's your happy feet kicking the air. On our first ever vacation with you, we took you to the beach on a hot summer's day. And it was fun. You slept, you drank, you looked around, you even dipped your feet in the great big sea. As if you were thinking: 'I've done it all now', you started whining, so we took you to a beachbar to give you your bottle, clean you up, and - also important - get something to eat ourselves. We thoroughly enjoyed the week by the Northsea with you, despite the discomforts. First of all, we left home with you suffering from a bad diarrhoea. Daddy went to the pharmacy to get some stuff to prevent dehydration, and some cream for your soar little bum. Also you got very obstinate when we offered you your bottles of formula. You only wanted to drink when lying flat (on the floor, on the grass, on the bed etc.). So we're getting used to feeding you this way, moving you upwards after some minutes. But then there's the times you don't wanna drink milk at all. It's tough to discover what the real reason for this change is. Most likely it's the fact that you're teething, which also explains your sudden cries in the middle of the day or night. We have been enjoying you however, despite these little troubles. You've laughed with devotion, learned new things and requited our love for you with a passion. Sometimes we forget that you were born just over six months ago, still a little baby. So much character, so truly YOU!
Well, little one, overall it's been a wonderful week.
donderdag 8 juli 2010
Pressure helmet, Part 2
Today we went to the instrumentmaker again, for the fitting of the pressure helmet.
picture 1: the unveiling of the helmet!

Flyn got to try on the interior wrapper, which looked very funny.
pictures 2 to 5:

After the the therapist cut the interior wrapping to size (leaving room for ears and eyes :-), Flyn finally got to wear his helmet for the first time. He looks kind of cute, with the white helmet covered with little bears.
pictures 6 and 7

The helmet will be ready to wear in a week and a half. From then on, Flyn will get to wear the helmet 22 hours a day. To be continued ...
picture 1: the unveiling of the helmet!

Flyn got to try on the interior wrapper, which looked very funny.
pictures 2 to 5:

After the the therapist cut the interior wrapping to size (leaving room for ears and eyes :-), Flyn finally got to wear his helmet for the first time. He looks kind of cute, with the white helmet covered with little bears.
pictures 6 and 7

The helmet will be ready to wear in a week and a half. From then on, Flyn will get to wear the helmet 22 hours a day. To be continued ...
zaterdag 3 juli 2010

I just cut your hair for the second time since you were born. It's very hot weather, and also you will be getting your pressure helmet in a few weeks time. When I look at you there's no doubt: you're a BOY.
A very special boy. This Thursday was your half-year birthday. I can wholeheartedly say that it has been the best six months of my life. I never knew I had so much motherlove left, after raising your big brother Jesse. But there's plenty where that came from, and still more every single day I get to spend with you. Daddy and Jesse also have grown to love you to bits. You are the light of our lives, and hopefully we will stay to be yours!
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