Today we went to the instrumentmaker to get a plaster mould of Flyn's head. This is needed in order to make the pressure helmet, which he needs to correct his flat head. On this picture you can see the flattening of the right sight of the occiput.

Picture 2: awaiting the procedure, playing with some plastic that the therapist gave him.

Picture 3: head swabbed with some shampoo, to make the removal of the plaster easier.

Pictures 4 and 5:bobbing net on top of it, as a foundation for the plaster.

Picture 6: drawing reference points with a blue marker.

Picture 7: undergoing the placing of the plaster.

Picture 8: getting tired and annoyed.

Picture 9: you've had enough!

Picture 10: shaping the plaster on an unhappy baby's head.

Picture 11: finally done, relieved and overwhelmed in mummy's arms.